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Akamigas Polytechnic of PalembangResponding to the Challenges of Human Resources in the Energy Sector -
Akamigas Polytechnic PalembangThe Realization of Nationally Superior Institutions in the Energy Sector
and Globally Competitive in 2025 -
Akamigas Polytechnic PalembangImplementing the Tridharma of Higher Education which is contributive and productive at the national level.
Meeting the needs of certified and highly competitive human resources at the ASEAN level.
Realizing a prosperous, optimal and conducive academic community life and synergizing with related parties.
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Alumni Testimonials
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, currently I am working at PT. Pertamina RU IV Cilacap
Faris Purbalesmana (2017 - TPM) PT. Pertamina RU IV CilacapPolytechnic Akamigas of Palembang has not only provided hard skills knowledge, but also soft skills skills which will be very useful when working later
Hersa Rizki Rahmatullah (2017 - TLM) PT. Pertamina RU IVWith the knowledge of Petroleum & Natural Gas at the Akamigas Palembang Polytechnic Campus is very helpful in adapting to the world of work, especially in the world of Oil & Natural Gas
M.Irfan (2017 - TEP) Pipeline Technician - PT Transportasi Gasi IndonesiaI am very grateful to be an alumni of the Akamigas Polytechnic of Palembang , so that I can be what I am now, Working in an Oil Company.., Thank you Akamigas Polytechnic of Palembang… Salam Akamigas !!
Medyansah Eka Saputra (2016 - TEP) PT. Pertamina EP Asset 2 Field PendopoSalam Akamigas! I am an alumni of Akamigas Polytechnic of Palembang, graduated in 2015 and currently working in a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) at PT. Bukit Asam Persero, Tbk
Erik Saputra (2015 - TPB) PT Bukit Asam, TbkThanks to Akamigas Polytechnic of Palembang, I was able to work at the largest coal-owned company in Indonesia, PT. Bukit Asam
Pranita Apriana Sari (2015 - TPB) PT. Bukit Asam, TbkCurrently I work at PT. Tropik Energi Pandan as an analyst laboratory, which is one of the petroleum companies.
Anwar Rifa'i (2014 - TLM) PT. Tropik Energi PandanAkamigas Polytechnic of Palembang trained me to be disciplined, it was certainly very beneficial for me at work. Salam Akamigas!
Rio Panji Agung (2010 - TPM) Abu Dhabi Gas Industries, Ltd. (Gasco)
Social Feed
M. Ikbal Azis, SE., M.Si
Deputy Director I Academic Affairs DepartmentIr. Roby Cahyadi, ST., MT
Deputy Director III Student Affairs DepartmentIr. K. Moh. Ade Isnaeni, ST., MT
Deputy Director IV Cooperation Affairs DepartmentHj. Sri Hartati, SE., M.Si
Chief of Academic and Student Administration Affairs DepartmentMaya Matofani, SE., M.Si
Chief of General Administration and Finance Affairs DepartementIr. H. Abdul Hamid
Chief of LaboratoryAzka Roby Antari, ST.,MT
Head of the Center for Quality Assurance and Learning DevelopmentIneke Febrina Anggraini, ST., M.T., M. Si.
Head of Human Resources Quality Development DivisionDian Kurnia Sari, ST., MT
Head of The Study Program Oil and Gas Laboratory Analysis EngineeringAchmad Faisal F., S.T., M.Eng
Head of The Study Program Oil and Gas Processing EngineeringRoni Alida, ST.,MT
Head of The Study Program Oil and Gas Production and Exploration EngineeringIr. Sepriadi, S.T., MT
Head of The Study Program Coal Mining EngineeringHj. Sri Hartati, SE., M.Si
Head of The Study Program Financial ManagementEuis Kusniawati, S.T., M.T
Secretary of The Study Program Oil and Gas Laboratory Analysis EngineeringAnggi Wahyuningsi, S.T., M.Eng
Secretary of The Study Program Oil and Gas Processing EngineeringHendra Budiman, S.Si., M.Si.
Secretary of Study Program Oil and Gas Production and Exploration EngineeringMirza Adiwarman, S.T., MT
Secretary of The Study Program Coal Mining EngineeringM. Fakhriansyah, SE., MM
Secretary of The Study Program Financial Management
Study Program
Akamigas Polytechnic of Palembang, has 5 (five) Study Programs consisting of: