South Sumatra Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia that has very abundant energy resources, and has been explored and exploited since before Indonesian independence until now, both conventionally and modernly. However, until now, there are no universities in South Sumatra that specifically provide higher education in the fields of exploration, exploitation and processing of oil and gas and coal.
In accordance with the program South Sumatra as a National Energy Storage, the Governor of South Sumatra Mr Ir. Syahrial Oesman, MM supports the establishment ofAkamigas Polytechnic Palembang through Yayasan Karya Bangsa.
As a follow-up to the Governor's support, on August 20 2005 the South Sumatra Provincial government sent a letter with No. 2236/As.II/ 2005 to the Minister of National Education, regarding permission to establish the Akamigas Palembang Polytechnic with 4 (four) Study Programs, namely:
- Oil and Gas Laboratory.
- Oil and Gas Processing.
- Oil and Gas Exploration.
- Coal Processing Technology.
Permission for the establishment of the Akamigas Palembang Polytechnic was obtained through the Decree of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 224/D/O/2006 dated 28 September 2006 and No. 4887/D/T/2006 dated 21 December 2006, concerning the establishment of 4 (four) study programs, namely:
- Oil and Gas Laboratory.
- Oil and Gas Processing.
- Oil and Gas Exploration.
- Coal Processing Technology.
Based on the permission letter, Akamigas Palembang Polytechnic began carrying out new student admission activities for the 2006/2007 academic year with 2 study programs, namely:
- Oil and Gas Laboratory
- Oil and Gas Processing
The number of students accepted was 19 people in the Oil and Gas Laboratory Study Program and 35 people in the Oil and Gas Processing Study Program.
The inauguration and first lecture of the first class of 2006/2007 new students was held on December 13 2006 by the Governor of South Sumatra, Ir. Syahrial Oesman, MM, General Manager PT. PERTAMINA (Persero) UP III Plaju, Mr Ahmadi Hario and Chairman of the Karya Bangsa Foundation, Mr Ir. H. Abdul Rozak, M.Sc
In the 2007/2008 academic year, Akamigas Palembang Polytechnic was able to organize 4 (four) study programs, with a total of 114 students.